Bent Iron Brewing

Winter ‘24-’25

Cornhole League



Join our Wednesday night Cornhole League @ Bent Iron Brewing!

Indoor Winter Season Starts , Wednesday December 4th!

Limited Spots- Register Today!

Season Details

    • The Winter ‘24-’25 Season will start on December 4th.

    • Wednesday Nights

    • Winter Season is all indoors

    • Game times are

      • 5:15

      • 6:05

      • 6:55

      • 7:45

    • Times will rotate each week.

    • Each game will consist of a best of three format with a 45 minute time limit.

    • Each team will play a minimum of two games each night.

    • There will be 5 minutes in between games for the next teams to warm-up.

    • Each team guaranteed 14 regular season games, and 2 playoff games

    • At the end of 45 minutes if the game is not finished the team who is ahead wins.

    • If the teams are tied, we will play the next point wins.

    • If there is inclement weather we will keep the schedule the same and add the make-up date after the week 7 schedule

    • Each team guaranteed 14 regular season games, and 2 playoff games

    • Playoffs are best of 3 and are single elimination so if your team loses you don’t advance.

    • Winners keep playing until they lose.

    • Playoffs will take place over a three week span with the semi-finals and finals taking place on the last night of the season - all are welcome to attend!

    • Standings will be based on wins and losses.

    • The first tie-breaker will be win percentage, the second tie-breaker will be points against, the third tie-breaker will be an Odessa Chug Off

    • Prizes: 3rd Place: $50, 2nd Place $100, 1st Place $250

Registration Details

    • Team members must be 21+ years old to participate

    • We recommend teams of 4 members in case one member can’t make a certain game.

    • Teams can switch out members mid-match during bathroom breaks, beer runs, etc.

    • Four members are not required but you run the risk of a forfeit if you can’t make it to a game on time.

    • If your team is more than 5 minutes late for a game it will be a forfeit.

    • Paid teams will get a 10% merchandise discount during the season

League Details

    • Game play will follow the American Cornhole Association (ACA) Rules unless otherwise noted in this document.

    • Any situation not outlined in these rules will be handled by the league coordinator..

    • Bent Iron will supply official cornhole boards and bags, you can also bring your own bags.

    • League Coordinator will be Mike Jones

    • Mike will send weekly schedules and standings out via email.

    • Each game score must be reported to Mike so he can keep record.

    • Standings will be based on wins and losses.

    • The first tie-breaker will be win percentage, the second tie-breaker will be points against, the third tie-breaker will be an Odessa chug off.


Meet Mike

Mike Jones is the Bent Iron Brewing Corn Hole league coordinator.

At a very young age, Mike knew his natural talent, of a just right under hand toss, would reward him someday.

That someday is now. So it is with great pride that we introduce you to Mike. And though his neighbors haven’t always appreciated the thud of a bean bag at the wee hours of the night, we are happy to make a home here at Bent Iron for him.

If you have any general questions for Mike, you can email him through the form below.

Please note, this is not the registration link to join an upcoming season.

To register for the Winter ‘24-’25 season click the button above with registration details or , click here .